From phone order to online order

We worked with a distribution company to implement an online ordering system. Previously orders were by phone, fax, or email and then manually entered into the ERP order management system. This was effective but not efficient since it required large amounts of manual labor each day to obtain and enter customer orders. At the time, there were 6 people working on the order desk to take orders. Once we implemented the new online ordering system, the company was able to reduce its overhead by over 30%.

The online order system allowed customers to order online, see their previous orders, check existing invoices, and even pay their outstanding balances. This information then flowed straight into the ERP system requiring no intervention on the part of the distribution company personnel. Customers preferred the system because they could self service and have up to date information on their account all without having to make a phone call or send an email.

old phone

From carbon copy to emailed copy